eBiss 3

Hilfe & Dokumentation





Naming conventions for jobs

Inbound Jobs

Inbound stands for messages sent to your in-house system from the outside.


<i1)> <No.2)> <Description3)>

Here is an example of the inbound job naming convention:

Outbound Jobs

Outbound stands for messages sent from your in-house system to the outside world.


<o4)> <No5)> <Description6)>

Here is an example of the naming convention for the outbound jobs:

special/ administrative jobs:

By special is meant that the jobs are not required for automated messaging
or processes that are neither inbound nor outbound, but processes that are triggered manually. Under this we understand e.g. the discard job.


<z7)> <No8)> <Description9)>

Here is an example of the naming convention for the special jobs:

Naming job objects

The many different job objects also offer both names and remarks. Since usually the job object names are generated only generically when creating,
it is helpful for reading and understanding TraceLogs or processes, if the generic names of the job object are supplemented with the contents of the most important attribute or renamed completely.10)


  • EntitySelector Names are e.g. completed with the type name that is to be selcted.
  • EntityTransformer Names contain references to the mappings which are to be used.
  • EntityIfCase Names ideally reflect your switching mechanics.
  • EntityMessageCreator names are supplemented with the name of the message box into which containerization is to be performed.
„i“ in this case stands for inbound)
2) , 5)
Jobs are numbered in ascending order
3) , 6)
Jobs are given a short description (bullet points) of what is done in it
„o“ in this case stands for outbound
„z“ in this case stands for special jobs (neither incoming nor outgoing). When naming with the letter „z“, it has the advantage,
that the special jobs are at the end of the job listing
The jobs are numbered in ascending order
The jobs are given a brief description (bullet points) of what is done in it
for example, by copy paste of the main attribute property.
en/howtos/namenskonventionen/jobs.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/02/20 08:15 von