eBiss 3

Hilfe & Dokumentation





FTP Server Module

The „FTP server module“ allows data to be provided via File Transfer Protocol , that is, eBiss generated or converted messages can be actively retrieved with a suitable FTP client.
It consists of various eBiss components, which are shown below:

  • An Event Listener: „FTPProxy – 21“ → activate.
  • A job of inputs distributed on port 21, for get and put. Here's the job: ProxyJob
  • A receive channel „FTPReceiveChannel“ and a broadcast channel „FTPSendChannel“ (do not be surprised, in the job ProxyJob only one is referenced)
  • The jobs are: ReceiveJob, SendJob. Interesting is the SendJob, which should have set a MessageCollector with the option „Filter by channel loginPartner“ (s.u.)
  • These jobs are triggered by the EventListener FTPReceiveHandler and FTPSendHandler, which are of the type „Channel proxy event listener“ and have a list Uri, which are represented by the FTP channel as a path.

This means that if you are using an FTP, the ProxyJob shows „Channel proxy event listener“ and, in the case used here, from the FTP server channel as path and „go“ as ftp client via „cd“ into the path, then the job is started. That means: the receive and send must be controlled by a subpath, you can not receive and send on the same path.

  • And then there are the trading partner FtpUser1 …. which gets an „FTP server“ address for the login (not included in the example, they are created in the unit test) and an address for the subpath if the paths differ for certain users.


en/howtos/sftp_ftp_server/ftpserver.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/02/20 08:15 von