======= ConvertDateTimeFromString ===== The //ConvertDateTimeFromString()// function converts a date value formatted as **string** to a date value and returns it as **string**. The function expects at least one parameter and returns the date value as **string**. If a date value should be returned, the function [[en:transformation:mappings:funktionen:datum:convertetodatetimefromstring|]].. ===== Syntax: ===== ConvertDateTimeFromString('Date as text', 'Format 1', 'Format 2', 'Format 3', ..) ===== Example: ===== With the following format values 'd.M.yyy', 'd.M.yyyy', 'dd.MM.yyy', 'dd.MM.yyyy' these date values can be recognized or converted: "1.1.12", "1.1.2012", "01.01.12", "01.01.2012"\\ ConvertDateTimeFromString($value, 'd.M.yy', 'd.M.yyyy', 'dd.MM.yyy', 'dd.MM.yyyy') With the following format value 'dd.MM.yy HH:mm' date values with time can be recognized, e.g: ConvertDateTimeFromString('08.10.15 10:15','dd.MM.yy HH:mm') returns: 2015-10-08T10:15:00 ConvertDateTimeFromString('2020-06-19T07:22:12.194Z') The 'Z' at the end indicates that it is a UTC time (GMT) and so the function returns in summer (CEST): 2020-06-19T09:22:12.194