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Archiving of messages in eBiss 3

eBiss 3 offers the possibility to archive x1) days old messages into a database as well as a file directory.

For the database all databases also supported by eBiss are possible, see system requirements. For creating the tables, scripts for MySQL and the MS SQL server are located in the installation directory under Tools in the files:

To Do:

Create a new job in the eBiss 3 system. Then in the newly created job, select, add and connect the EntityMessageArchiver job step.
When this is done, you still have to configure the job step in the properties as you like.

Information about the job step:

The EntityMessageArchiver copies the eBiss message structure, message contents and attachments. It will copy the eBiss elements:

are copied into a database and the contents of the attachments are copied into a directory.
Where the database is located and to which directory the attachments are copied is specified in the JobStep (see EntityMessageArchiver).


The file path or the directory in which the messages are to be saved must be accessible for the eBiss Service.

All messages older than x days (can be chosen arbitrarily)