Table of Contents

Version 3.2.180 (26.11.18)

Case insensitive keys in lookups

Keys in lookup tables are case insensitive and since eBiss Version 3.2.176 (19.10.18), that is validated by a database constraint.

In this version an update was done for the Lookup functions to fix an error that may occur in case of an auto create look values.

Deleting partner

Deleting partner is now possible, if a location of a partner contains lookup tables.

Maintenance interface

New parameter 'HideZeroCount' for Configuration of the maintenance interface, to hide message boxes without error, e.g.:

Excel reader

An error was fixed, that happens if a column was formatted as number but contains text.

New namespace for Excel

The excel structure namespace was change from

Therefore, the type in the mappings must be changed.