====== Web-Plugin Code ====== To integrate your aspx page in the eBiss Web Page you have to implement eBiss.Api.IWebPlugin and we recommand to inherit from class eBiss.WebPlugin.Sample.WebPluginBasePage instead of Page. In your Page_Load you call base.OnPageLoad() to check and initilize the EBissSession. [DisplayName("Name Of Sidemenu Subpoint")] //This Attribut will be the name of the sidemenu subpoint. public partial class SamplePage: WebPluginBasePage, IWebPlugin { //Implement interface member public WebPageKind Kind { get { return WebPageKind.RootPage; } } //1. if DisplayName is not set, groupname will be used. //2. Identifier for the pages. One Group is able to have more than one page public string GroupName { get { return "Name for Sidemenu Group"; } } //Name of the page. In this Example: Sidemenu Name: MyPluginPage, Pagename: MyPage public string PageName { get { return "MyPage"; } } //Uri for the .aspx site. Usually the same as the classname public string Uri { get { return "PlugIns/MyPluginPage.aspx"; } } protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { base.OnPageLoad(); ... } } Using the property EBissSession you can search on eBiss, e.g. for documents: foreach (IDocument doc in EBissSession.DataApplication.Find("eBiss.Data.Document", $"DocNumber.StartsWith(\"{value}\")")) { Data.MessageItem msgItem = new Data.MessageItem(doc); source.Add(msgItem); } ===== Exception Handling ===== Use RedirectToErrorPage() for error handling: //Code-Beispiel2: Exception Handling.// // don't catch redirect exception! try { if (!IsPostBack) { ... } } catch (Exception ex) { RedirectToErrorPage(ex); } If you don't use the Build events for copy you should copy the ./Deploy/ folder with sub folders to the eBiss path.