====== Setup in eBiss ====== In order to set up your web service in eBiss, a [[en:prozessdefinition:automatisierungen:webservice|]] as well as a [[en:prozessdefinition:jobs:jobsteps:kommunikation:backend:backendobjectretriever]] jobstep will be used ===== Checklist ===== * Web service developed according to the [[en:howtos:plugins:webservices:codesample|example]]? * Added compiled .dll in eBiss under ./Plugins? * Restarted service or [[en:howtos:schattenkopie_plugins|Shadowcopy]] restarted? (Note: Count up assembly version when changes are made) ===== Configuration of the Eventlistener Web Service ===== We need a [[en:prozessdefinition:automatisierungen:webservice|]] and configure it according to your webservice, among other things: * Active: Yes * Job: Here we need a job with a [[en:prozessdefinition:jobs:jobsteps:kommunikation:backend:backendobjectretriever]] - More details can be found below * User: A user ((Here it is recommended to create a "Eventlistener" or "Automation" user. So you can distinguish later between Eventlistener and actual user.)), under which the Eventlistener should be started. * URL: Please enter a fully qualified URL to which the webservice should be bound. A local example could be: ''. * Web service type: Here you select your previously programmed web service. If your .dll is in the PlugIns directory, it should appear here. * Binding-Tye: A binding type suitable for your application. For our example: 'Web Raw HTTP binding'. ===== Configuration of the BackendObjectRetriever ===== After you have configured the Eventlistener Web service, you need a receive job that contains an . \\ Create a new job and add the [[en:prozessdefinition:jobs:jobsteps:kommunikation:backend:backendobjectretriever]] in the first place. Settings: * BackendType: **eBiss.WebServices.WebServiceBackendObjectSender** * Message box: A corresponding message box in which the received messages are to be stored. Afterwards you can configure your jobs according to your desired processing.