FIXME ====== Enter article data directly from the RMS system or from the ERP system ====== Data from the ERP system can be written directly into the eBiss database using existing views. From here, the data can be transferred very quickly (see [[en:ueberblick:benchmarks:artikelpool|Performance]]) into the ArticlePool. The views are as follows: * ** ArticlePool_FillArticleCache_View **, for the item data. * ** ArticlePool_FillPriceLineCache_View **, for price data. * ** ArticlePool_FillTextCache_View **, for the texts. * ** ArticlePool_FillCustomItemsCache_View ** for items Custom Items. The job to transfer the data is as follows: ** Figure 1 ** {{images:artikel_verbuchen_im_articlepool6.jpg?551x240}} To fill the date with views you can: * ** Before job execution **: The "** ExternalFillProcedure **" property of the jobsteps "** TradeItemManagerFillCache **" must be empty. * ** Execute in the job **: In the job step "** TradeItemManagerFillCache **" in the property "** ExternalFillProcedure **", you must specify your procedure for filling the views. e.g. for "before the job execution" for posting items: ** Figure 2 ** {{images:artikel_verbuchen_im_articlepool7.jpg?600x121}} If all the data relevant to the posting is compiled directly from the // merchandise management and written into the corresponding cache table //, then only the jobstep "** // TradeItemManagerBookCache // **" is necessary. The job is then constructed as follows: ** Figure 3 ** {{images:artikel_verbuchen_im_articlepool8.jpg?268x229}}