====== Coloring of messages, attachments, envelopes and documents ======
Messages, envelopes (interchanges), documents are colored in tabular views according to the following criteria:
^Color ^Criterion |
|**White** |No error occurred in the message etc|
|**Orange** |An error has occurred with the displayed element, e.g. sending has failed with a message.|
|**Yellow Orange** |There is a warning for the displayed element.|
|**LightSalmon** |There is an error with a child element. E.g. when displaying the message with a document level error, e.g. a mapping error.|
|**Bisque** |A warning is present at a child element|
|**Light Yellow** |The state expected in the message basket was not reached after the time defined in the message box.|
|**Blue** |Message was set to resubmission.|
{{:images:sign_warning.png?nolink|}}**Note:** See [[en:kommunikation:nachrichtenkoerbe:taskstates|]]