====== Import ORDRSP ====== This job has two tasks: to extract all articles contained in an OrderResponse document and forward them to the next job and to register the OrderResponse document itself in the eBiss database. All // OrderRepsonse documents // that have passed through the [[en:prozessdefinition:jobs:beispiele:inputdispatcher|InputDispatcher]] job and there through the [[en:prozessdefinition:jobs:jobsteps:allgemein:eventrouter|EventRouter]] to this job , Are propagated to the subsequent jobsteps by the [[en:prozessdefinition:jobs:jobsteps:allgemein:eventroutereceiver|EventRouteReceiver]]. \\ The // articleSelector // extracts all articles contained in the // OrderResponse // and redirects them to the next job using // EntityRouter // (Route to Import.Article). \\ The [[en:prozessdefinition:jobs:jobsteps:allgemein:entitytransformer|EntityTransformer]] (Transform to Sample.OrderResponse) converts the Orderesponse documents into a conforming format (Sample.OrderResponse) using rules in mapping documents [[en:prozessdefinition:jobs:jobsteps:kommunikation:backend:backendobjecttransmitter|backendObjectTransmitter]] can be posted in the // eBiss database //. {{images:jobsConfig_importorderresponse.jpg}}