====== ArticleSelector ====== The Articleselector extracts all articles from documents (OrderResponse, DespatchAdvice, etc.) and loads them into memory for further processing. \\ \\ ^Name ^Meaning| |Type|Type of the job step.| |Name|Name of the job step that will appear in the job designer| |Description|Optional description for the job step.| |//CollectionScope://|Properties and scope after which items should be selected.| |//MissingEanBehaviour://|Setting what should happen if an EAN is not found.| |//QueryScope://|Here you can set the range to be taken into account in the article selection.| |//Selection://|Here, the method according to which articles are extracted can be set. // All // for all articles, // New // only for articles that have not been extracted from a document before, // NewOrChanged // for new and changed articles, // None // for none, etc.| |//SliceValue://|Selection how many arguments should be processed at once.| ===== The following JobSteps are usually connected to the ArticleSelector ===== * [[en:prozessdefinition:jobs:jobsteps:allgemein:EventRouter]]