===== Version 3.0.126 (18.8.17) =====
==== Navigation improved ====
The navigation between relations and properties (left part of the UI) has been improved. \\
Faulty behavior like "phantom clicks" or errors occurring during RDP sessions should no longer occur.
==== Trace window formatting ====
Layouting and content alignment and maximum width of certain columns in the trace window (e.g. visible when running jobs) has been improved. \\
Also overflow and word-wrapping is now properly handled.
==== Password security ====
Functionality improving the general password security of eBiss was added in a previous eBiss release, but remained inactive. \\
This feature is now active by default and improves the password security of the eBiss 3 user accounts.
==== Error during node-wide import/export ====
Before, during a node-wide import, partners' type sets could not be properly imported into the system. \\
Now, they are given the necessary references to mappings.
==== Ignore empty values for Uniques ====
When defining uniques in the system settings, you can switch on that empty values are ignored.
Example: you want the TNR in your system to be unique but also allow that partners without a TNR exist.
==== Error when using LookupTPValue in combination with TradingPartnerBackendReference====
The function [[transformation:mappings:funktionen:abfragefunktionen:lookup:lookuptpvalue|LookupTPValue]] now always uses the location returned when having invoked the [[transformation:mappings:funktionen:abfragefunktionen:lookup:tradingpartnerbackendreference|TradingPartnerBackendReference]] function. \\
Previously, the partner's MainLocation had been used instead.
==== Navigating lookup-related elements ====
To make the Connections between value providers, lookup table types, lookup tables and location lookups more transparent, we added several navigation items:
* Location lookups now display the location to which they belong in both the detail and the grid view.
* Lookup table types and lookup tables referenced by location lookups now have their own navigation items.
* Lookup table value providers now display the lookup table types that they are being used by in a separate navigation item.
==== User right evaluation in UI improved ====
We have improved the evaluation of user rights, regarding commands (create, edit, delete, and so on) and several other relevant parts of the UI.
==== DbAdapter ====
=== Usage of several where attributes ===
Properties and fields can now be annotated with several Where attributes, when defining map objects to be used in conjunction with the [[en:howtos:dbadapter:start|]] component. \\
The conditions of the attributes are being linked together with the AND operator. If variables are used in a condition and no corresponding variable is defined in the job step itself, \\ then the condition will be ignored completely.
=== Variables in conditions ===
It used to be possible to use variables in Where conditions, as long as the field was not of the string type, e.g.:
[Where(" = $Variable")]
In this new Version you can do this also with fields of the string type and you also can define the operator. To do this you must set DontChangeCondition, e.g.:
[Where("$Name", DontChangeCondition = true)]
See [[en:howtos:dbadapter:wherecondition|]].
=== Variables in Variables ===
Variables in the backend job step can refer to default system partner variables by ${VariableName}, see [[en:howtos:dbadapter:extendedvariablehandling|]].
==== Remove Messages job step ====
The job step [[en:prozessdefinition:jobs:jobsteps:allgemein:removemessages|]] has the new option Message box to delete messages only in one message box.
==== Entry Date search for Attachment, Interchange, Document ====
You can filter attachments, interchanges and documents by entry date, e.g.:
= "Entry date" last-x-days 10
==== Error when right-clicking a text field ====
An error caused the selection of a text field to be reset when the content was right-clicked. \\
This made the Copy and Cut actions unusable. The error has been fixed.