==== Tab Properties ===== ^Name. ^Meaning | |Name|Name of the mapping((Freely definable, but we generally recommend a continuous nomenclature. For mappings it is a good idea to create the name from a combination of the source and target object names.))| |Author|Name of the user((Assigned by the system.))| |Last modified by|Name of the user of the last modification((Assigned by the system.))| |Description|A freely editable text field for explanations.| |Source type|The class name of the selected source type is displayed here.((Determined in the mapping definition.))| |Target type|The class name of the selected target type is displayed here.((Determined in the mapping definition.))| |Last modified on|Date and time of last modification.((Assigned by the system.))| |Is public|If a mapping in subnodes is to be inherited, then 'Yes' must be selected here. | |Version | The version number of the mapping| **Example:**\\ {{:images:mapping_eigenschaften.png|}}