====== CacheArticleDetailsByEAN ======
The CacheArticleDetailsByEAN function can be used to fill the cache for the [[en:transformation:mappings:funktionen:abfragefunktionen:get:getarticledetailbyean|]] function.
==== Syntax: ====
CacheArticleDetailsByEAN ('EANs', 'LocationGLN', 'Umfang')
* EANs: A comma-separated list of EANs to load into the cache.
* LocationGLN: optional parameter of the location gln.
* scope: optional parameter to reduce the amount of data:
- 'small': load only article details data (one Select)
- 'medium': load also ArticleDetailAdditionalInfo, ArticleEAN and ArticleDetailCustomItems (4 selects)
- **'full'**: default value. Load also article texts and price lines (8 selects)
==== Example: ====
CacheArticleDetailsByEAN(XVar('eans'), '', 'medium')