====== SetHash/GetHash ====== The SetHash function creates a hashmap of a set of selected elements. \\ The key is the element specified in the second parameter. \\\ The GetHash function then returns the corresponding element from the above selection for a given hashmap + key. ==== Syntax: ==== SetHash('selection', 'Key', 'Name of the hashmap') GetHash('Name of the hashmap', 'Key') ==== Sample: ==== In this example, a hashmap is created using a series of **SG_33 nodes**, with the **/LIN/@DE_1028** attributes serving as the key for each node. GetHash returns the **/SG_33** node with the **@DE_1028** attribute value 18089. SetHash(//SG_33,'LIN/@DE_1082','hash1') GetHash('hash1','18089')