During the installation, eBiss 3 generates an initial test license (once per system), which allows the use of eBiss for 60 days.
After expiration of this period or the license, workflows can no longer be executed or records can be changed in the system.
To license the system, please select Activate license in the main view, under the menu item
See also License activation.
The dialog, which is then opened, will then guide you through the activation process.
In this case, it must be ensured that the activation can only be carried out if the connection to the eBiss service is established,
Thus activating the license in the local mode is not possible.
Attention : If there is no connection to the public network, the “Offline” activation must be selected and executed in the activation dialog.
Note: You can obtain a license when you purchase an eBiss 3 version or upgrade an existing eBiss 2 installation from our distribution or your Distribution partners.