
Drag & Drop

Note: See also Copy & Paste

In the message box

For the purpose of testing messages, they can be established by dragging & dropping a file into the message box. Precondition: eBiss client must be connected to the service (no local session).

Note: Message direction is depending on the messag box setting. If the direction is not defined for the message box, the message direction will be set to outbound.

In the Job Designer

Selected job objects can be dragged and dropped in the Job Designer and moved to other locations.

In the Mapping Editor

Mapping rules or rule sets can be moved by drag & drop in the Mapping Editor and moved to other places. 1)

In the Type Editor

Simple or complex data telements can be moved by drag & drop in the Type editor and moved to other places. 2)

1) , 2)
In addition, there is a special feature: the insertion behavior is reversed with the Shift key, i.e. normally the insertion is done below the shown element but with the Shift key pressed the insertion is done above.