The EntitySatusSetter can be used to provide messages / documents with specific status depending on the processing step. These stati can be usedin jobsteps like EntitySelector, MessageSelector and MessageCollector to make a specific selection of messages or to narrow them down.
Typically, the EntityStatusSetter is used for jobs that require setting a particular state after a particular task. Thereby the EntityStatusSetter is applied directly after the EntityTransformer. All posted items are given the status Processed. This prevents reprocessing of the message with the status Processed, because the EntitySelector has the option StateLimit_less = Processed which only allows the selection of messages/documents with lower statuses.
In case the MultiEntityTransformer is used in a job, the EntityStatusSetter may not be placed behind the MultiEntityTransformer. This can be problematic if the MultiEntityTransformer compresses several documents into one document. The status is only transferred to one document (the first). For such a scenario, the EntityStatusSetter must be connected directly to the EntitySelector.