
The MessageMerger job step bundles the contents (attachments) of messages according to certain criteria. Currently, only messages with the same recipient and the same subject can be bundled.
If n messages are bundled, you get 1 message with the (n) attachments of all bundled messages and n-1 empty messages without attachments.\ Messages that are not affected by bundling pass through the job unchanged.

Name Meaning
AddMergedToSubjectIf true, the message subject will be prefixed with 'Merged: '.
ChangeOriginalMessageStateIf the status selected here is not 'None', the original message (see above message without attachments) will be assigned this status.
DescriptionIf necessary, a description of the specific task of the job step in this job can be entered here.
MatchModeThis selection can be used to specify the criteria according to which the messages are bundled.
Possible settings: MatchByRecipientandSubject or MatchByRecipientAndDocumentNumber1)
NameName of the MessageMerger job step. A meaningful name should be chosen here if possible.
StateLimit_LessMessages whose status in eBiss is below (related to the order of the status transitions) the status selected here will not be included in the bundling.
TargetMessageStateIf the status selected here is not equal to 'None', bundled messages (see above message with n attachments) will be assigned this status.

The following JobSteps are usually connected to the MessageMerger

recipient of the message and the first document number must match