
Version 3.8.306 (17.7.24)

.NET Framework 4.8 necessary

eBiss has been updated to the .NET Framework 4.8. This means that you need the runtime environment of the “Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8”, which can be installed on the most common clients and servers:

The eBiss.Api.dll will continue to be delivered on the basis of “.NET Framework 4.5.2”, so that no conversion of the PlugIn projects is necessary.

The existing PlugIns should continue to work and do so on the previously updated systems.

Pop, SMTP, OAuth, SFTP, FTP/s, WebDav have been updated

The client components Pop, SMTP, OAuth, SFTP, FTP/s, WebDav have been updated.

PortEventListener, Output trace

Information about the connection setup is output in the service log, including the connection setup with information about the IP and port of the remote station.

IDocumentConsumer.Document updated

The new IDocumentConsumer.Document property was previously only called for the first document in the message; this error has been fixed.

Bug fixes for the HTTP receive and send channel

The HTTP receive channel waited too short a time to receive the header, which is why transmissions on a loaded system could run into an error.

In this context, it became apparent

  1. that a retry on the send channel in the event of an error reused the existing connection in the case of “Send multiple messages”. This is not always suitable in the event of an error. Therefore, in the event of an error, the connection is also re-established for “Send multiple messages”.
  2. that the message reached the correct status when it was successfully resent, but the task remained in place. This error has been fixed.


Inclusion of the EDIFACT D98B structure DELJIT_D.

Character sets Latin 2, 3, etc.

The character sets ISO-8859-2, ISO-8859-3 to ISO-8859-10 plus ISO-8859-15 have been included, see:

ANSI X12 856 V5010

Inclusion of ANSI X12 structure 856 (Advance Shipping Notice) in version 5010.