
Version 3.9.317 (24.1.25)

Encrypted variables

In the Encryption of sensitive data an error has crept into the eBiss.WinClient, so that the variables were encrypted twice. This led to an error during the job run, e.g. in the backend object.

The error has been fixed and included in the release process in surface tests with job execution.

New option for the JSON Writer

New option for the JSON Writer:

Export of encrypted variables

When exporting the system partners, the variables were exported unencrypted.

The error has been fixed, both when exporting manually and when writing to the GIT repository, the encrypted values are now written.

Configuration via command line - encryption

When Configurator comand line mode you can define the key file using the /CryptFile parameter.

Adjustments to the HttpReceiveChannel and HttpSendChannel

AuthenticateUser and AuthenticatePassword extended from 60 to 256 characters.

Anpassungen beim HttpReceiveChannel und HttpSendChannel

AuthenticateUser und AuthenticatePassword erweitert von 60 auf 256 Zeichen.

JSON Reader

Bug fixes when reading JSON files.

Adaptation of AnsiX12 types PR855 version 4010

Insertion of segments CUR and DTM at root level and change of segment N1 to a list of type G_N1.

The change from N1 to G_N1 requires an adjustment of the mappings!

ANSI X.12 BS857 message

New ANSI X.12 message 857 Shipment and Billing Notice Version 4010.