

This function accepts Lookup table names (Translation table for sizes or color codes), article number (Keys) and a Description (Key Descriptions) as arguments and returns the associated Lookup values (Translation values) from the Lookup table. The table fields are recreated if they do not exist in the lookup table. LookupGlobalValue does not search in the partner-specific translation tables, but uses global translation tables in the search.


LookupGlobalValue('LookupTabellenNamen','Key', 'Description')

Note: Existing lookup entries are not overwritten and also not enriched with the label!


LookupGlobalValue('currencies','5','currency Switzerland')

This function call returns CHF, provided that the entry CHF/ exists for the lookup value 5.

Another example

In order to be able to evaluate the most common currency abbreviations, we create a global main look table currencies. To do this, we must first create a ValueProvider and enter the appropriate translation values. Then create a LookupTable and make it global. Now enter the country code in the LookupTable under Key and select a value from the ValueProvider under ValueEntry. Now you can use the function

LookupGlobalValue ('currencies',' 5')

within a mappingrule under Test Selection.