

The GroupByEx function not only selects only one value from duplicate values, but is also able to process up to 6 grouping criteria Key1, Key2, …, Key6. The grouping criteria themselves can also include other functions. \
As a result, a list with the different results of the grouping criteria is returned as a NodeSet, which can be further processed by XPath in the further mapping process..

Note It is possible to group attributes that are located in different depths of the node levels. To do this, however, the node must point to the lowest level. The hierarchically higher-ordered attributes must then be added by a “… /” reference.


GroupByEx('Node', 'Key1', 'Key2', 'Key3', ... , 'Key6')
GroupByEx('Node', 'Attribut1', 'Attribut2', 'Attribut3')


Note:: Many more examples can be found under GroupByExSorted .