To create a new value table, right-click on the Lookup Table node and choose Create from the context menu.
Enter a name for the Lookup Table under Name and select a value provider for the Lookup Table type. Right-click on the Value Tables node and select Create from the context menu to create a new entry for a value table.
Name | Meaning |
Name | Name of the table. |
Autom. Add a key | If this property is enabled, then a key is automatically added during lookup if it does not already exist in the lookup table. |
Is public | If activated, the table can be used for all subnodes. |
Complete your entries by clicking on Save, so that your changes are transferred to the eBiss database.
To create a new entry, right-click on the Entries node and choose Create from the context menu. Properties of the entry
Name | Bedeutung |
Schlüssel | Schlüssel des Eintrags. |
Beschreibung | Beschreibung des Eintrags. |
Last requested | Zeigt an, wann dieser Eintrag das letzte mal abgefragt wurde. |
Wert | Der Wert des Eintrags. |
Val | — |
Finish your entries again by clicking on Save, so that your changes are transferred to the eBiss database.