
Version 3.7.284 (19.7.23)

Type libraries, JSON types

In the type library, types can now also be created from JSON files.

Type libraries, XML types

When creating a type from an XML file, structure elements read later are added to a structure element that already exists further up if they do not already exist.


Extension of TaskNotificatorEx by the linking possibility with the MessageSelector, so that tasks can be sent for specific messages.

DB Adapter

Interpretation of DB syntax „odbc Informix“ for compatibility with eBiss2.

Interface INode extended

The interface INode from the eBiss Api was extended by the property:

ICollection<INode> SubNodes { get; }

No 'callback' from servcie to client / missing logs

The internal technique used in the last version (via flush) was not optimal. The implementation was revised and optimized again.