Frame Variables

Note: The frame variables can be influenced with the functions SetFrameVariable and SetTargetFrameVariable. Its content is displayed under Extended Properties during mapping debugging.

Feld/Eigenschaft Variablenname Hinweis
AddAttachmentFileName eBiss.DocumentVars.AddAttachmentFileName Path and name of the file.
AddAttachmentFileAttachmentNameeBiss.DocumentVars.AddAttachmentFileAttachmentName If the file in the message should have a different file name.
AddAttachmentFileNameModeeBiss.DocumentVars.AddAttachmentFileNameMode Empty = always attach, „OnlyOnce“ = only attach once with when creating the container.
AttachmentContentType eBiss.DocumentVars.AttachmentContentType Possible values: 'Text', 'Binary', 'Html', 'Image', 'Rtf'
ContainerizationCriteria eBiss.DocumentVars.ContainerizationCriteria Suppose you send 2 documents (of the same type) to a recipient.
Normally a container would be made per document type with 2 documents in it.
Now you want to containerize additionally by some term.
For this you set this FrameVariable in the mapping which then generates a message for each containerization criterion.
Proof: Search in TraceLog for „Custom containerization keys“ or „ContainerizationCriteria“.
DebugMode eBiss.DocumentVars.DebugMode Only used by the DebugMode mapping function and not displayed in the Mapping Designer.
DocNumber eBiss.DocumentVars.DocNumber, to set the document number via mapping
FileName eBiss.DocumentVars.FileName
InterchangeCounterKey eBiss.DocumentVars.InterchangeCounterKey If set with InterchangeCounterName than this Counter will be used in the EntityMessageCreator to calculate the next interchange id.
InterchangeCounterName eBiss.DocumentVars.InterchangeCounterName
InterchangeDocumentCount eBiss.DocumentVars.InterchangeDocumentCount
MessageDirection eBiss.DocumentVars.MessageDirection
OriginDocObject eBiss.DocumentVars.OriginDocObject
OriginalDocumentFileName eBiss.DocumentVars.OriginalDocumentFileName
Recipient eBiss.DocumentVars.Recipient
Sender eBiss.DocumentVars.Sender
Subject eBiss.DocumentVars.Subject
SystemPartner eBiss.DocumentVars.SystemPartner
SystemPartnerGLN eBiss.DocumentVars.SystemPartnerGLN
SystemPartnerName eBiss.DocumentVars.SystemPartnerName
TradingPartner eBiss.DocumentVars.TradingPartner Read Only
DocumentSubType eBiss.DocumentVars.DocumentSubType
ComReceiverAddress eBiss.DocumentVars.ComReceiverAddress Is used in the EntityMessageCreator to set the ComReceiver of the message. This address can then be used as receiver, see „Use ComReceiver“ at ChannelSender.