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The Replace () function gets a string, the string to be replaced and optionally the new string as a parameter. As a result, this function returns the string with the replaced string. If the third parameter is not specified, the character to be replaced is replaced by an empty string.


Replace('String', 'String to replace', 'String to be used')


Replace('Name1', '1')

returns Name

Replace('Name1', '1', '2')

returns Name2

Replace('Name123123', '1', '5')

returns Name523523

Replace('Na'me'," ' ")

returns Name

Replace($DocNumber, '%', '1')

replaces all % of the string in the variable $DocNumber with 1.

Replace(@DocumentNumber, '%', '1')

replaces all % of the string in the field @DocumentNumber with 1.

Replace(@DocumentNumber, " ", "")

removes all spaces from the string in the field @DocumentNumber. \
caution: in this case, use double quotation marks.

Note: To replace special characters, e. g. of Carriagereturn/Linefeed, use the function Replace() together with the function Char().

Replace(@Text, Char(13,10), '<p/>')

replaces Carriagereturn - Linefeed with <p/>