eBiss 3

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Type sets in relation

The following entity-relationship diagram1) shows how type sets are embedded in the eBiss context and which components use type sets or are used by type sets.

Note: This diagram is not final but shows only the essential links!


TypsetEntityTypeMappingContainerizerSendChannelPartnerCommunicationAddressMessageJobEntitySelectorEntityTransformerChannelSenderEntityMessageCreatorWriterhashas source typehashascan be defined for specific communication partnermay havemay havehassends or receiveshashassource typesends or receivesmay haveuseshashashashason selection strategyselect by SourceType or TargetTypeon selection strategyselect by SourceType or TargeTypeif undefinedselect by EntityType or Partnerselect by EntityTypecreatesusesuseshasmay have


        Typset||--|{EntityType : has
        Typset}o--o{Mapping : "has source type"
        Typset}o..|{Containerizer : "may have"
        Typset}o--o{SendChannel : "may have"
        Typset}o..o{Partner : "can be defined for specific communication partner" 
        Typset}o..o{CommunicationAddress : "may have"
        Partner}o..o{Typset : "may have"
        Partner}|--||CommunicationAddress : "usually has"
        Partner}o..o{Message : "sends or receives"
        Message||--||EntityType : "has"
        Containerizer||--||EntityType : "has"
        Mapping||--||EntityType : "source type"
        SendChannel}|..o{Message : "sends"
        SendChannel}o..o{Partner : "may have"
        SendChannel||--||CommunicationAddress : "uses"  
        Job}o..o{EntitySelector : has
        Job}o..o{EntityTransformer : has
        Job}o..o{ChannelSender : has
        Job}o..|{EntityMessageCreator : has
        EntitySelector||--||Typset : "on selection strategy"
        EntitySelector}o..o{Typset : "select by SourceType or TargetType"
        EntityTransformer||--||Typset : "on selection strategy"
        EntityTransformer}o..o{Typset : "select by SourceType or TargeType"
        ChannelSender||--||Typset : "if undefined"
        ChannelSender}o..o{Typset : "select by EntityType or Partner"
        EntityMessageCreator||--||Typset : "select by EntityType"   
        EntityMessageCreator||--||Message : "creates"
        EntityMessageCreator||--||Containerizer : "uses"
        EntityMessageCreator||--||Writer : "uses"
        Containerizer||--||Writer : "has"
        EntityType}o..o{Writer : "may have"
rendered with Mermaid Live Editor.
en/partnerverwaltung/typset/erdiagram.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/20 08:15 by