eBiss 3

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Create Jobs

To create a new job, right-click Jobs within the process definition in the left pane, and select Create from the context menu. Alternatively, you can also click the Create button in the toolbar (above) to open the Job-Designer.

Job Properties

If necessary, you can enter a meaningful name, description or tags for the newly created job under the Properties tab.

Available Properties

  • Name
  • Description
  • Version
  • Username of the author
  • Username of the last change
  • Date of last modification
  • Selection of Flags1) to mark the job (no effect on the process).
  • A job can additionally be inherited by the property Public to a sub-node.

Job Steps

The blocks of the job are inserted, concatenated and edited in the Definition tab.
Close your entries by clicking on the Save button, so that the job is transferred to the eBiss database.

Initial JobSteps((JobSteps, which are usually used as the first JobStep in a job.JobSteps, which are usually used as the first JobStep in a job.))

Active, All, None, Test
en/prozessdefinition/jobs/anlegen.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/20 08:15 by