Executing rules with variables in a mapping debugger the variables filled by the previous mapping run are used.
Process Instances are extended by:
The problem, that in a message with multiple documents of a custom EDIFACT Type the first document type was not found, is solved.
Special characters are now correctly handled in the HTTP header. So that for example the file name or the subject with sprecial characters are corretly transmitted. This is possible in a eBiss to eBiss case and also from extern. In case of an external send the header must be 'UrlEncoded' and before the first encoded header the following header must be inserted:
For complex elements in the type editor the base class can be set. With this feature the EDIFACT types are possible. Because in an EDIFACT message the UNB-Segment must inherit from eBiss.Api.Segments.UNB to create messages of an EDIFACT Types. By creating an EDIFACT type on base of a by pranke delivered DLL the base classes are set correctly.
There was a bug reading bigger UTF-8 files with special characters at the beginning of a text.
In List of SelectionBase paths the message got following new fields: