eBiss 3

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Version 3.4.230 (25.8.20)

HardDisk Channel - Exclusive file access

If the exclusive file access option was activated with Harddisk receive channel to e.g. prevent access to files which have not yet been copied, then this would also work in conjunction with File event listener and the check notification option set there. If the option Check notification was disabled, too many notifications were sent.

The problem has been fixed, the File event listener will first try every 5 seconds, then every 30 seconds and after 10 attempts every 10 minutes. The first task is created after 3.33 minutes and then another task every 100 minutes if the file still cannot be locked.

Type Library - Type from XSD

Bug fixing for create type from XSD with an “appinfo” element in the “annotation”.

Sftp-Sever Channel

Timeouts could occur with the client during parallel reception in different server sub paths.

Error correction of the partner recognition

Error correction of the partner detection Best match based on Interchange ID (7). Until now, the number of matching characters of the stored address and the address to be assigned. Since the route is contained in every EDIFACT address, the address was evaluated up to the first match. This leads to constellations in which a non-matching address with a different route but the same ID was selected.

Extension of the ediboxInhouse PlugIn

The ediboxInhous PlugIn was extended by

  1. The types DesadvReturn and DesadvDelivery
  2. Recadv:
    • The header around the list of CurrencyInfo
    • Position around the list of PriceInfo
  3. Ordrsp:
    • Position around the list of Allocation
en/relnotes/version_3_4/version_03_04_230.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/20 08:15 by