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Troubleshooting register http address

If you have a problem with setting up eBiss Web, you can use the following solutions to solve your problem yourself. You are welcome to contact our support team if you do not receive any help with this site.

Login not possible

Please check if you have given the right user “Web Access” to the corresponding user. After that, log on with the eBiss login data stored for this user.

Exception when filtering messages with too long subject

In some systems an error may occur when using the filter.
The maximum request size of the IIS HTTP Runtime on which the website runs is 4096 KB (4 MB) per response by default.
One reason for exceeding this limit can be a long subject of the displayed messages.

By default, the web interface displays the first 1000 messages - these are streamed into the HTML body.
This string may be larger than 4 MB and the IIS throws an HTTP exception.

You can solve this problem as follows:

  • Please navigate in your eBiss root directory to the subfolder: \Webs\eBiss
  • You'll find the Web.config file there.
  • This must be extended by an attribute in System.Web:

<httpRuntime maxRequestLength=“100000” /> DThe maxRequestLength attribute is specified in kilobytes. This value (100000) corresponds to 100mb and can be reduced significantly if necessary.

Afterwards restart your event listener.

URL reservation

Mostly there is an error that not every user has access to the URL. To reserve a URL for each,

run the console (cmd) as an administrator and enter the following command:

  • netsh http add urlacl url= user=\everyone
  • Alternate for German OS:
    netsh http add urlacl url= user=\jeder

Then restart the EventManager and the following link will take you to the login page:

Eventlistener does not work

If the event list does not work, this is due to a lack of permissions:

  • Call CMD as administrator
  • Create an URl reservation with the command “netsh http add urlacl…”
  • Example with IP address:
    Netsh http add urlacl url= user=DOMAIN\user

    (User can be “everyone” or restricted to specific users)

  • Example with “localhost”:
    Netsh http add urlacl url=http://localhost:80/Webs/ebiss user=\everyone

    Then also URl in the event list on “http://localhost/Webs/ebiss/

  • Delete a URL reservation
    Netsh http delete urlacl url=

    (URL must be specified correctly)

  • Display all URL reservations
    Netsh http show urlacl

The process can not access the file because it is being used by another process

Your port set for eBiss Web is being used by another process.

Current identity does not have write permissions

If there are any problems when trying to access the page, there might be a lack of permission to create a temporary folder.

To solve this problem, you must:

  • Create a folder named “Temporary ASP.NET Files” in the directory: “C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727”.
  • Give this folder the full permissions for the service user.
en/ueberblick/web/einrichtung/troubleshooting.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/20 08:15 by