The Repository is the location for the read, analysis and write tools to process incoming data or to write/create outgoing data. It consists of a maximum of six components and is usually used in the following job objects:
and also used by the method Debugging/Analyse message on the message view.
When reading or analyzing, each repository accesses the corresponding three subcomponents Recognizer (recognition component), Analyzer (analyser) and Reader (reading component). The repository also uses a fourth component with the entity types that are also defined below. These are the document types or format definitions that eBiss knows - e. g. EDIFACT DESADV D. 96A or in-house format delivery notes. During this detailed analysis, the file type (XML, CSV, EDIFACT…) is first of all recognized in order to recognize documents2) and partners3).
When writing, the repository also accesses the document format definitions from the entity types, as well as the other two sub-components Containerizer (containerizer) and Writer (write component). Since eBiss always manages several document types in one system with corresponding read and write components, these are grouped. So there are several repositories: Typically one for EDIFACT formats, another for in-house formats and another one for eBiss-specific middleware formats.
Since eBiss always manages several document types in one system with corresponding read and write components, these are grouped. There are therefore several repositories: typically one for EDIFACT formats, another for in-house formats and another for eBiss-specific middleware formats.
To create a repository successfully, you must first define the purpose of the repository. It is recommended that you delimit a repository for e. g. all types that are to be exchanged between a host system and eBiss.
The Repository Entity Relationship Diagrams shows the dependencies of the repository components to each other.
A repository can contain several optional and required components.
notice: The dependencies between the components also determine the procedure for creating a repository.
Excursus: eBiss “thinks” in messages and attachments, thus also e.g. files imported from hard disk or FTP are considered as a message with attachment (but the file name is then set as subject of the message). The analyzer then proceeds over each attachment as follows:
Note: See also ER diagram for entities to be processed by eBiss and Recognition and analysis flowchart.