eBiss 3

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Version 3.8.305 (1.7.24)

eBiss crash fixed

On a few eBiss systems, the eBiss service terminated unexpectedly. The error occurred suddenly and without a log, or it was not possible to draw any conclusions about the error from the last log line. The problem did not occur on our internal systems, so it could not be reproduced. Thanks to the active support of the customer concerned, the error was identified and rectified. The cause was a socket that was aborted or blocked during the connection setup via TCP/IP. The error has been rectified.

eBiss interface, search for 'Is in

The filter option 'Contained in' has been introduced for searching for character strings, in which several search criteria separated by commas can be entered. The placeholder '*' , used at the beginning or end, causes a search to be made for the name with “Starts with” or “Ends with”. If a search criterion contains a comma, this can be masked with single (not double) quotation marks, e.g:

= Name Is-in "'Müller, P*', Paul*, Martina"

Searches for all names that

  • begin with “Müller, P” or
  • begin with “Paul” or
  • are the same as “Martina”.

Rights and access

If the user has the “Can change self” right, then they must also be allowed to change their password. This is possible from this version onwards.

If the password of e.g. communication channels cannot be viewed by the current user, it must not be included in the export, nor be overwritten during import. The error has been fixed.

Port Eventlistener - "Maintenance" response

The “Maintenance” response from Port event listener has been extended to include the output of the IP and port of the other side.

Sorting attachments, envelopes and documents

When sorting attachments, envelopes and documents in message baskets and nodes, the default sorting of the element was previously selected. (For documents, for example, the sequence number)

However, the default sorting is only sufficient for attachments, envelopes and documents in the context of the message itself. In message baskets and nodes, on the other hand, the sequence number of the document is the same for very many documents. This can lead to undefined displays, especially during paging, as the sorting results in the same position for thousands of elements.

This error has been fixed and the sorting for the display in the message baskets and nodes has been defined as follows:

  • Attachments: Sorted by the entry date of the message and the number of the attachment
  • Envelopes: Sorted by the entry date of the message, the no. of the attachment and the starting position from the envelope
  • Document: Sorted by the entry date of the message and the sequence number of the document1)

DB not accessible with time-controlled event listener

If the execution of the Schedule event listener failed due to a database error, then in the previous eBiss version, an attempt was made to execute it again within seconds. This resulted in a large number of log entries and tasks.

From this eBiss version onwards, the next execution is only started after one minute following the first error. If the error then occurs again, the next execution takes place after two minutes, etc. up to 30 minutes. The log then contains an additional entry every two minutes, e.g:

  • The event 'My current test' with the start time of 24-06-17 12:30:00 is not executed due to errors in the last 11 executions.

Mapping - Create source object from XSD

The generation of an object from an XSD has been revised. A few minor errors have been fixed.

The number of the attachment must still be included. Since the attachment is not yet included in the request when determining the documents, it was omitted for optimization reasons
en/relnotes/version_3_8/version_03_08_305.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/01 07:11 by