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During the start of the eBiss service, the following prerequisites are checked automatically:

  • Database Schema Version
  • Remoting Port
  • Database connection

Database Schema Version

If you forget to run the eBiss-Configure. exe application after importing an eBiss update, the eBiss application and the eBiss database schema have different versions. This results in error messages during the processing of new messages. These are created because the eBiss database has an outdated version status and therefore newly added table columns or entire tables are missing in the database.
To prevent this from happening, the eBiss server checks the version of the application and the current database during the startup process. If the versions are different, an error message is output in the log. The eBiss server will then be shut down.

Remoting Port

Um Nachrichten zu verarbeiten benötigt eBiss einen Remoting-Port. In der Regel ist es Port 9999, falls kein anderer Port in der Konfigurations-Datei für den Server angegeben ist. Daher prüft der eBiss-Service beim Start, ob der in der Konfigurationsdatei für den eBiss-Service eingetragene Port frei ist. Ist der Port belegt, wird eine Fehlermeldung in der Log-Datei ausgegeben und der eBiss-Service beendet.

Database connection

When the eBiss service is started, the connectivity to the eBiss database is checked. In the past, there have been problems with MS SQL Server 2005 service. It took a very long time until it was completely booted up. Therefore, error messages were often generated when the eBiss service was started because the connection to the eBiss database could not be established. In the meantime, the connection to the database is also checked during the eBiss service start for a period of 5 minutes. The eBiss server checks every 30 seconds during the period whether a connection to the eBiss database is possible. If this is the case, the eBiss server will be booted, if not, the service will be stopped and an error entry will be written into the log file.


For testing purposes it may be helpful to start the eBiss service in command mode. For this the eBiss.service has to be called with the parameter –CommandMode.

eBiss.Service.exe --CommandMode

You can also specify the window position and size, e.g:

eBiss.Service.exe --CommandMode --WindowPos 1912:600 --WindowSize 1912:600

Or set the title of the window with:

eBiss.Service.exe --CommandMode "My eBiss Test"
en/ueberblick/installation/konfiguration/service_start.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/24 10:17 by