eBiss offers a variety of different ways of integrating the way data is transmitted to and from host systems.
See also: Überblick
Note: This integration is implemented with Channels and appropriate Object definitions.
Note: This integration is done using the BackendObjectTransmitterEx and BackendObjectRetrieverEx using the backend type eBiss.DbAdapter.StandardWriter and appropriate Object definitions.
Note: This integration is done using the BackendObjectRetrieverEx using the backend type eBiss.DbAdapter.IBackendObjectReceiverEx and more suitable Object definitions. Outgoing connections can be handled with the BackendObjectTransmitterEx and a tailor-made Backend Objects Jobsteps.
Note: This integration is collected in the communication channel HTTP client receiving channel and the BackendObjectRetrieverEx using the backend type eBiss.DbAdapter.IBackendObjectReceiverEx and appropriate Object definitions. Outgoing connections can be handled with the BackendObjectTransmitterEx and a tailor-made Backend Objects Jobsteps.