
Relevant for customers who have booked one or more DataStream(s) or have several own eGate accounts.

General: Forwarding rules can be set to active/inactive.

The rule action “None” (formerly “inactive”) can now be used to exclude individual users from rules.


Account A with:

Action: None when messages are sent from/to Account B
Action: Copy, for all outgoing and incoming messages
The first rule specifically ensures that the second rule is not applied to messages with reference to account B.

Note: A prerequisite for using forwarding rules is the granting of a forwarding permission. For the above example, this means that a forwarding permission for Account A must first be granted on Account B. (With DataStreams this permission is granted by us.)

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.

Situation: Eine gesuchte Nachricht habe ich zwar auf eGate in den “fetched messages” gesehen, diese Nachricht ist aber nicht in meinem WWS.

Vorgehen / Abhilfe

Bitte sehen Sie in den Messageboxes des Konverters nach, ob auf der Eingangsseite (Messagebox “from Partner” o.ä.) Nachrichten von unbekannten Partnern zu sehen sind (gelb gefärbt).

Besonders bei neuen Handelspartnern können am Anfang Nachrichten hängen bleiben wegen unterschiedlichster Fehlerquellen.

Eine wichtige Hilfe bei der Fehlereingrenzung ist die Untersuchung eines Tasks bei der hängenden Nachricht. Der Task kann auch den Support unterstützen bei der Fehlerbehebung.

Doppelklicken Sie auf den Anfangsbereich der Zeile mit der gelben Nachricht und öffnen Sie das Register “Tasks”. Die Info -Zeile kann man markieren und mit Copy und Paste in einen beliebigen Text einfügen und versenden




I am a Pranke eGate customer and would like to receive a message I have already received again from eGate.

Solution / Description:

In eGate, messages that have already been fetched are moved from the inbox to the Fetched Messages directory. To retrieve a message from eGate again, please log into eGate, change to the Fetched Message directory and select the message.

Have you localized the message (e.g. by searching From contains Miller, Smith, Bernstein) ,

select this or a single message from it and select the action “move to inbox” at the bottom of the “Message Action” area.


The message can be fetched again immediately

See also: Bei eGate anmelden


It is possible for the owner of an eGate customer account to determine the access of the message to the recipient (if necessary, please ask which customer status you have), even if the recipient is not a Pranke customer (so-called gateway).

Please log in to eGate to search the sent messages for the message. Please refer to the FAQ “eGate User Information“.

If the message has the sent status ( please consider the article „eGate-Icons“),

then the message has reached your partner or his service provider.

The recipient location can be checked in the open message in the Raw Header register and this can be communicated to the recipient.


This can be checked by the responsible person of the converter (possibly a service provider) or the mail server of the recipient (often a service provider is connected between Pranke eGate and the end customer who may have error messages). The service provider customer (final recipient) would have to inquire about this.

You can look this up in eGate in your account after logging in yourself:

You have free analysis options if you have the traffic in your account (or accounts) displayed on eGate.

Please look in the account after logging in on the left side under “Own Account”, there under “Traffic Overview”, then wait briefly. Any further evaluations must be ordered as a special service.
