
Since version 3 of eBiss 3.0.134, data can be retrieved from or sent to a WebDAV server.

The license-managed eBiss module contains both a WebDAV receive channel and a WebDAV transmit channel. You can use these channels to connect a directory using the WebDAV protocol.

eBiss.WebDAV uses PROPFIND and GET requests to retrieve files from the directory that was previously entered as a URL in the WebDAV receiver channel and then put them into the stored message basket.

In the opposite direction, eBiss.WebDAV transmits messages from a message basket via the WebDAV send channel to a directory in a stored URL.

Would you like more information about our WebDAV module? We are happy to advise you.



Problem: In eGate there are messages that are supposedly sent twice.
Recipient and subject, however, are different.


The recipient claims a so-called data stream with us.

His incoming messages are forwarded as a copy to our server,
converted into “BTE” format and processed by Advarics.

Important: This action does not lead to additional traffic!

Pranke eGate Access if You’re Not a Pranke eGate Customer

To enable you to exchange messages with a Pranke eGate customer, a communication channel must be set up for you. This communication channel might be through email forwarding, x.400 with A=viaT and C=DE, or AS2.

eGate receives your message for another subscriber via this communication channel and makes it available to the recipient via their communication channel – and vice versa.

Read more


With an AS2 channel your local system or network is connected to the Pranke eGate VAN. To end up with a successful and failure-free message exchange, the rules listed here should be followed during setup and operation.


Participants in eGate are bound to fixed communication channels. Because of this, and to ensure clear message routing, parallel connections between servers or networks should not be set up. Therefore, please check if there is already a connection to the Pranke AS2 service on your system. Please look for connections to one of the following URLs (http/https):

  • or

Please also watch out for AS2 IDs like:

  • “Pranke”,
  • “PrankeTest”,
  • “PrankeAS2” or
  • “PrankeAS2Test”,

If a connection to the Pranke AS2 service already exists, this connection should also be used for communication with any other eGate participant instead of setting up a new connection.

If no existing connection could be found, and a new channel needs to be set up, please use the parameters from the current datasheet and the provided certificate. Before you start setting up the endpoint on your server, please contact us (support(at) and provide the necessary data for setting up the endpoint on our system:

  • the URL of your AS2 service,
  • your AS2 ID,
  • the preferred MDN mode (synchronous/asynchronous),
  • Signature and encryption algorithm,
  • your certificate, and
  • a contact address for administrative notifications (operational failures, certificate replacement, etc.)

We identify the sender and recipient of a message submitted via AS2 by evaluation of the interchange segment of the respective message. (e.g. EDIFACT UNB or ANSI.x12 ISA). Only IDs that have been previously made known to us and that have been created in eGate as participants may be used. If an ID is replaced or an additional ID needs to be introduced, please contact us to arrange the necessary configuration.

In case of planned service interruptions, changes in communication, certificate renewal and corresponding occasions please inform support(at)



In this download you will find our data sheet for new AS2 connections and the current certificate:

Download “” – 326.69 KB


See also

How to Communicate with a Pranke Egate Customer

  1. Do you have an eGate customer account? If so, please check the access information by logging in at
  2. Is your account still valid or was it cancelled? In case of doubt, please ask the customer support.
  3. If you have not picked up any messages for a long time, it is possible that some old messages have already been archived (generally messages are automatically archived after approx. 3 months). This means that messages can no longer be retrieved. Log in to your eGate account and identify the archived messages (indicated by the grayed out message IDs) and delete them from your inbox first. After that the retrieval via communication channel should work again.

Set up the TLS/SSL communication channels to eGate.

  1. Open the communication channels in the eBiss menu on the left under the Communication group
  2. Create a POP3 receiving channel with the settings:
    • Host: (
    • Port: 995
    • Authentifizierung: Basic
    • Set username/password
    • In the advanced settings set the SSL handling to Implicit
  3. Create an SMTP send channel with the settings:
    • Host: (
    • Port: 25
    • Authentifizierung: Basic
    • Set username/password
    • In the advanced settings set the SSL handling to Explicit

Relevant for customers who have booked one or more DataStream(s) or have several own eGate accounts.

General: Forwarding rules can be set to active/inactive.

The rule action “None” (formerly “inactive”) can now be used to exclude individual users from rules.


Account A with:

Action: None when messages are sent from/to Account B
Action: Copy, for all outgoing and incoming messages
The first rule specifically ensures that the second rule is not applied to messages with reference to account B.

Note: A prerequisite for using forwarding rules is the granting of a forwarding permission. For the above example, this means that a forwarding permission for Account A must first be granted on Account B. (With DataStreams this permission is granted by us.)


The description of the functions in eGate can be found in eGate in the menu Information/User Information or can be opened here as PDF:

eGate Anwenderinformationen

Please note the following when sending messages via eGate.


  • Encrypted transmission:
    • Send via TLS (SMTP): Port 25 or Port 8025
    • Receive via TLS (POP3): Port 995
  • Unencrypted transmission:
    • Send (SMTP): Port 25 or Port 8025
    • Receive (POP3): Port 110 or Port 8110

If you want to make sure that the communication with eGate works over the selected ports, please proceed as follows:

  • By establishing a Telnet connection (via a terminal cmd.exe) you can determine whether the eGate service is accessible from the internal network.
  • telnet request via port 25 (SMTP)
    • Request: telnet 25
    • Response: 220 egate4 ESMTP-Server
    • The connection could be successfully established via the above port (25) if the server returns the response listed above.
  • Alternative telnet request via port 110 (POP)
    • Request: telnet 110
    • Response: +OK eGate-POP Server (IV) at READY
    • The connection could be successfully established via the above port (110) if the server returns the response listed above.
  • If you receive a negative response, please check the rules in your firewall.

The administrative e-mail address is used by eGate to notify account owners about transfer errors or maintenance work. The address is not a shipping and/or receiving address for EDI data. (However, the same e-mail address may be stored as the administrative and EDI gateway address.)The administrative e-mail address should preferably not be personal, but should be e.g. .

See also: Ändern einer Gateway-Adresse , Anlegen eines Gateway-Account

When you open a message in a message folder by clicking on the ID, the message details open. There are four tabs here: General, Message, Raw Header, and Delivery Report.


In the General tab you can view various information about the message. From whom to whom did the message go, what is the subject, when did the message arrive in eGate, what is the status, how big is the message. In principle, the same information you find in the message overview.

In the Message tab, you can view and download the original message in the original format and in DAT format. If you are sending several EDI files in one message, you will always see the first one here.

In the Raw Header tab you can see the technical header details of the message.

In the DeliveryReport tab you can see the technical transmission protocol of eGate.