The more intensively the eBiss converter is used over time, the easier it is to loose track of how and where alterations and adaptions have made the eBiss System to your particular eBiss.

At Pranke, too, we are often asked to make adjustments or extensions to an existing eBiss system. If that system has reached a certain complexity and is not really well maintained, it’s quite a challenge to even find out where to start. A manual analysis of a system is very time-consuming and by no means a matter of course.

In order to better cope with such situations, we developed a new module for eBiss 3 which we called eBiss Analytics. With this module it is possible to make both statistical and analytical statements about an existing eBiss 3 system. This is why it comes with these two characteristics.

  • Data Analytics
    Statistical statements refer to the scope of messages received and sent. These can be automatically sent to selected recipients. You will get answers to questions such as: How many messages do we send to our partners – per day, per week or per month? or: How often do we deliver to partner X?
  • System Analytics
    If the module is used for an analysis of the eBiss system, the system-specific parameters are evaluated and prepared in a suitable form (e.g. as a sequence diagram and/or structured list) in a separate namespace within the DokuWiki delivered with eBiss.

Statistical considerations refer to the volume of messages received and sent. These can be automatically sent to selected recipients. During the System analysis, the system-specific parameters are evaluated and prepared in an appropriate form (e. g. as sequence diagram and/or structured list) in a separate namespace within the DokuWiki provided with eBiss.

Example: UML diagram of the OUTBOUND wiring of an eBiss system

bird's-eye view of OUTBOUND wiring

bird’s-eye view of OUTBOUND wiring

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EDI auf Diät

Weniger Volumen an die richtigen Stellen!

Mit der Artikelverwaltung (aka SupplierArticlePool) ihres EDI-Konverters eBiss bieten wir ein erprobtes Modul an, mit dem Lieferanten ihre Kosten senken können. Damit werden EDIFACT-Pricat Nachrichten adressatengerecht individualisiert, auf qualitativ hohem Niveau angeboten, und im Volumen minimiert.


Von allen EDIFACT-Nachrichten eines Lieferanten an seine Händler verursacht der Preiskatalog die höchsten Übertragungskosten, vergrößert doch jeder Artikeln darin, womöglich mehrsprachig bezeichnet, samt Preisen, EAN und anderen Artikelinformationen das Datenvolumen einer PRICAT-Nachricht. Bei allen Änderungen wie Sortimentsänderungen, Saisonzeiträumen oder Preisanpassungen für einzelne Händler ist aber nicht mehr die Übermittlung des kompletten PRICAT nötig, sondern die gezielte Auswahl relevanter Informationen der bessere Weg. Nutzer des EDI-Konverters eBiss können sich von dessen SupplierArticlePool-Modul einen individualisierten PRICAT maßschneidern lassen.


In der Artikelverwaltung werden gezielt Informationen für den jeweiligen Kunden selektiert. Die sogenannten begleitenden PRICATs haben ein deutlich reduziertes Datenvolumen im Vergleich zum üblichen kompletten PRICAT und können durch jede Bewegungsnachricht (wie Orderbestätigung ORDRSP oder Lieferavis DESADV) automatisch von eBiss erzeugt und versendet werden.


Die Artikelverwaltung erhöht zudem die Qualität der übertragenen Daten, etwa durch Überprüfung von EDI-Pflichtfeldern wie der EAN/GLN. Das Lieferanten-ERP dient als Quelle für den Stammdaten-Import, bleibt aber in seiner Logik unangetastet. Der SupplierArticlePool kann nahtlos – und bei laufendem Betrieb – in die bestehende eBiss-Installation integriert werden.

Das Konzept

Artikel Verwaltung Konzept

eBiss ohne integrierte Artikelverwaltung.

Full Pricats aus Ihrem WWS an alle Ihre Kunden ohne Ausnahmen.


eBiss mit integrierter Artikelverwaltung.

Bedarfsgerechter, kundenspezifisch- selektiver Versand von begleitenden Pricats bei veränderten Stammdaten.


Individuelle Artikelabonnemente pro Handelspartner.


Begleitende PRICATs passend zur Hautnachricht.

Download “(Deutsch) SupplierArticlePool Flyer DE” Pranke_eBiss_SupplierArticlePool_Flyer_DE.pdf – 385.17 KB

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The technical implementation of partner or concept specific processes and data formats finally allows a “targeted” communication always geared towards the receiving end. This principle also works the other way around in the direction of your systems that accurately obtain the data that are important and necessary for the process, regardless of potentially inconsistent source formats.

Since eBiss can be fully integrated into your systems, even non-EDI employees without technical knowledge can directly see whether messages or errors are present. They can additionally control whether, for example, a complete accounting process has started for a particular trading partner.


Naturally, eBiss covers all formats: Preconfigured interfaces for all versions of EDIFACT, for example D.96A or D.01B.

Furthermore, eBiss as a professional EDI software comes with support for ANSI X.12, XML formats, iDOC, JSON, TRADACOMS and of course any text and CSV formats. All data interfaces of our software partners are preconfigured and can be made available within minutes. With the addition of the EXCEL-Importer module, eBiss can also read Excel files.

All data formats which have not yet been developed as eBiss interface (inhouse or partner-specific) can be created by any developer.


The challange of every EDI converter: The world of EDI and business process integration is full of standards, profiles and formats. Nevertheless – or perhaps because of it – in reality each partner can have different requirements. As a consequence, data structures – and thus the actual business processes! – can either not be mapped at all, or one needs complex special configurations, that no one understands later on.

one needs complex special configurations, that noone understands later on.

The EDI converter eBiss simply flips the conventional way of thinking: Instead of stating “My EDI converter can only output/read xyz“, eBiss asks “What is to come out towards the internal system or what is received/sent by the partner?”