eBiss 3 can map structures into variables!

For example, if you set a selection in a rule that selects a typed value (incl. whole trees), you can save it as $$VariableName on the right-hand side. Later on, you can access this structure directly in the entire document and carry out further work with it.

For example, save the entire folder document:

Rule: /Orders => $$doc

Call it later in a mapping:

Rule: $doc/@SupplerGLN

or better and faster with the XVar function:

Rule: XVar (‘ doc’)/@SupplierGLN

or the total of the item quantities stored in the document:

Rule: sum (XVar (‘ doc’)/Items/@Quantity)

For more information, see the variables help.


The new eBiss module “Type Editor” supports the process of type definition, so that in most cases the data types no longer need to be defined manually in C#. You can use the interactive graphical editor to create and maintain data types. Also, TypeEditor handles the versioning as well as the generation of the data type as Dll and offers the possibility of a database import.

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