Das komprimierte PDF ist zwar immer noch ein gültiges PDF, aber kein PDF/A-3 mehr. Der Kompressionsvorgang komprimiert im wesentlichen die beiden eingebettetet Font-Files (Arial-Bold und Arial) und entfernt dabei auch gleich sämtliche XMP-Metadaten. Die eingebetteten XML-Dateien bleiben erhalten. Damit ist das Ganze weder PDF/A-3 noch ZUGFeRD konform. Ein ZUGFeRD-Extraktror würde deshalb auch dieses File ablehnen, weil keinerlei Identifikation auf ZUGFeRD enthalten ist.
[cl-ib image=”6504″ title=”Links” desc=”In eBiss 3, you can now jump directly from many points directly into other areas of the application via links, and open them in the new window. For example, you can directly access your system and trading partners from within the message overview and view and process them in parallel as required. ” animation=”soter”]
Of course, this also works with other areas such as message trays or delegated jobs. The improved Navigation is available throughout the application, and you will come across the links in numerous places.
Simultaneous editing of multiple elements
If you click the Edit button after selecting more than one record, you will see an input mask with the editable properties. Similar values appear here as in the normal detail view, different values are annotated as such.
Shadow Copy plugins
With the new Shadowcopy feature, it is possible to copy new DLL files to the plugin directory without restarting the eBiss service or the WinClient. From the ► Maintenance menu item, you can simply update the Shadowcopy plugins on the client to use the new plugins immediately.
New database support
In addition to MSSQL Server, MySQL and SQLite, eBiss 3 also supports PostgreSQL.
Node range uniqueness with GLN or location
Under ► Settings ► System Settings, you can now select whether the GLN of a location within the node should be unique or not. You can also decide whether the participant number of a partner should be unique within a node.
Integrated license management
The license can be easily checked / activated online, or in the case of sensitive systems without an internet connection by importing a license file.
The search functions in eBiss 3 make your daily tasks easier in many places.
Now there is a quick search in the job and mapping editors. You can use Ctrl + F to search for textual content, count the occurrences, and directly replace the found results in the Mapping Editor.
This allows you to keep track of complex jobs and mappings.
A system-wide search allows you to quickly find all possible objects.
The filters can be saved and imported again.
[cl-ib image=”6489″ title=”Mapping editor and debugger in unity” desc=”The operation of the mapping editor has remained nearly the same. What is new is that the mapping of fields to each other can now also take place from the target to the source side (“from right to left”).”]
A highlight is the reversed separation between Mapping Editor and Debugger. If you have now loaded a message into a mapping, you can see the effects of changes to the mapping directly live. The menu point for applying the mapping rules to a message is located under the ► Debugging ► Apply Mapping menu item.
Display and edit variables
When debugging, the global source and target frame variables, as well as the variables individually set in the mapping, are displayed. The source frame variables can be changed in the Mapping Debugger to test live here as well.
Start second mapping without file caching
The target object, which was filled when applying the debugging of the mapping, can now directly start the second mapping and becomes the output object for the next (manual) conversion step. So far, you had to save a middleware XML file, open the second mapping in the debugger, and load that file again.
In the future, eBiss 3 offers the button “Debugging” above the target object: Here, as before, the target object can be saved as a file, or the subsequent mapping can be selected.
[cl-ib image=”6487″ title=”Messages in eBiss” desc=”Dealing with news has become more comfortable in eBiss 3. On the one hand, messages are now previewed in the message box, while extended mechanisms for debugging messages are available.” animation=”soter”]A message can now be sent, e.g. Can be directly analyzed to determine the type of the message, determine communication partners, or divide the message content into documents without first having to create a corresponding job. This requires only the corresponding infrastructure in the type repository (Recognizer, Analyzer, Type Definition and Reader), and with the message selected, select the menu item ► Debug message ► Analyze message.
An analyzed message can then be used to debug a mapping or report. To do this, select the corresponding action under the menu item ► Debug message. As a result, all those mappings or reports that use the type of the selected message as the source type will appear.
In eBiss 3 you can assign user rights on two levels:
User groups can be used to integrate newly created users directly into a group with self-defined or predefined rights. Thus, the manual assignment of the rights for each new user is no longer absolutely necessary. User groups already offer predefined user rights for different tasks. In addition, you can also create user-defined user groups if the suggested groups do not suit you or suffice.
With user rights, a user can be granted additional authorizations for the execution of certain actions. If a user already has a specific right through his group, the manually filed right dominates.
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Sie senden z.Bsp. eine Nachricht mit multiplen UNH Segementen, also mehrerer Rechnungen.
Diese werden auf dem PER System pro UNH, also pro Rechnung abgearbeitet. D.h. sie bekommen für jede einzelne Rechnung einen Nachricht mit PDFA-3 Attachment in dem dann genau diese Rechnung visualisiert ist. Eingefügt wird die EDIFACT Nachricht, welche nur das UNH Segment beinhaltet welches für diese Rechnung relevant ist, plus das dazugehörige ZUGFeRD.xml.
Den Prozess kann man vergleichen mit dem Rechnungsdrucker im Büro:
Jede Rechnung wird einzlen gedruckt und ggfs. gesammelt an einen Empfänger couvertiert.
Diese können Sie entweder nur für sich archivieren, oder auch über den entsprechenden Service als PDFA-3 dem Rechnungsempfänger zukommen lassen.
Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.
Automatischer Freitext auf Rechnungen deren postalische Rechnungsempfängeradresse nicht in Deutschland ist:
VAT reversed (reverse-charge-system)
Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.
Auf Nachrichtenkörben kann entsprechenden Eigenschaften/Voreinstellungen ändern.
Filter in Minuten: Filter für Zeitlimit in Minuten. Alle Nachrichten innerhalb dieses Zeitraums werden angezeigt, wenn die Nachrichtenkorb geöffnet wird.
Filter max. Nachrichtenzustand:Klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste in das Feld und wählen Sie einen Message State aus der Liste. Alle Messages zwischen dem minimalen und maximalen Message State werden angezeigt.
Filter min. Fehlerzustand: Klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste in das Feld und wählen Sie einen Message State aus der Liste. Alle Messages zwischen dem minimalen und maximalen Message State werden angezeigt.
Möchte man also z.Bsp. einen leeren Nachrichtenkorb wenn alle Nachrichten fehlerfrei verarbeitet wurden, so stellte man den Wert bei Filter in Minuten auf 0 ein.
When you wish to contract us for an eXtended EDI service, we will assess your needs in a workshop, to define and optimize your EDI processes. Based on the assessment we will define a tailor-made service, which covers exactly what is necessary in the daily business and ensures continuous development. This can go so far as to referring your customers directly to our hotline and us becoming your EDI department. Necessary processes, changes, new data entry of EDI customers, etc. are completely controlled by Pranke, even all the way into your ERP, shall you so desire. For all questions that are beyond the standard procedures we will also define customized interfaces, so that you can decide how to proceed.
Your gain: A failsafe EDI department with know-how first hand at a fair price. The construction of an internal department with personnel and training costs is eliminated, and you have the flexibility to add or subtract services as needed!