IT terms
Cross Docking Procedure in which goods pre-picked for a final destination in a distribution warehouse are only redistributed at package level.
CRP program The Cyclic Replenishment Program is a procedure for the regular replenishment of articles.
EAN The international (formerly European) article number is an internationally unique article identification.
EANCOM A subset of EDIFACT, carried by EAN.UCC, specifically for retail and consumer goods.
EAN International The umbrella organisation for the allocation of article and company identifications looks after various standards, including EANCOM.
EAN.UCC The umbrella organization of EAN International and UCC.
EDI Electronic Data Interchange is a generic term for the structured exchange of data between applications.
EDIFACT Electronic Data Interchange For Administration, Commerce and Transport is an internationally standardized basic standard of EDI, supported by UN and ISO.
GLN The Global Location Number is an internationally unique identification of a company and is assigned by the EAN.UCC.
GTIN The Global Trade Item Number is the successor of the EAN and UPC.
Material EDI The profile of the DTB for data exchange between producer and supplier.
NCTS The New Computerized Transit System is a computerized transit system in Europe in connection with customs.
PLV The passive contract processing.
SSCC The Serial Shipping Container Code is an EAN package identifier.
Subset A subrange of a standard, e.g. EANCOM from EDIFACT.
UPC The Universal Product Code is an equivalent of the EAN in the USA.
VAN The Value added network is a value-added service, i.e. networks with additional services to the pure connection.
WWS profile EANCOM application profile for lifestyle retail
XML/EDI Electronic Data Interchange using eXtensible Markup Language describes electronic data interchange using XML or approaches such as ebXML, Bizztalk, but not yet a standard.