Her you will find current EDI news from Pranke GmbH.

Since eBiss 3 version 3.0.143, the mapping function eBiss.Excel.LoadTab is available.

You can use this function in a mapping to read entries from a specified Excel table and use them for content. If required, you can also read several tabs within this Excel spreadsheet.

Note: If you save the result by using the ‘$$’ variable, you can again make use of it some other time without having to load the Excel spreadsheet.

The more intensively the eBiss converter is used over time, the easier it is to loose track of how and where alterations and adaptions have made the eBiss System to your particular eBiss.

At Pranke, too, we are often asked to make adjustments or extensions to an existing eBiss system. If that system has reached a certain complexity and is not really well maintained, it’s quite a challenge to even find out where to start. A manual analysis of a system is very time-consuming and by no means a matter of course.

In order to better cope with such situations, we developed a new module for eBiss 3 which we called eBiss Analytics. With this module it is possible to make both statistical and analytical statements about an existing eBiss 3 system. This is why it comes with these two characteristics.

  • Data Analytics
    Statistical statements refer to the scope of messages received and sent. These can be automatically sent to selected recipients. You will get answers to questions such as: How many messages do we send to our partners – per day, per week or per month? or: How often do we deliver to partner X?
  • System Analytics
    If the module is used for an analysis of the eBiss system, the system-specific parameters are evaluated and prepared in a suitable form (e.g. as a sequence diagram and/or structured list) in a separate namespace within the DokuWiki delivered with eBiss.

Statistical considerations refer to the volume of messages received and sent. These can be automatically sent to selected recipients. During the System analysis, the system-specific parameters are evaluated and prepared in an appropriate form (e. g. as sequence diagram and/or structured list) in a separate namespace within the DokuWiki provided with eBiss.

Example: UML diagram of the OUTBOUND wiring of an eBiss system

bird's-eye view of OUTBOUND wiring

bird’s-eye view of OUTBOUND wiring

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Since eBiss 3 version 3.0.134, you can connect to the United Parcel Service (UPS) portal.

The license-managed eBiss module provides you with a UPS send channel with which you can set up the connection to the UPS Portal. The UPS-Url and authentication credentials are required for setup. Furthermore, you can define the validation of the sender/receiver in the module and unpack compressed files directly.

Want more information about our UPS module? We are happy to advise you.

eBiss 3 is faster, more intuitive, more stable and more versatile. Change the train! Numerous small and large improvements make the work easier for users and administrators. An overview of the improvements and new features can be found on eBiss 3: What’s new?
Customers receive the eBiss 3 license as part of their maintenance contract at no additional cost.

If you want our support for the upgrade, you can choose between three different upgrade options or eBiss 3 migration packages:

  1. Perform the following tasks yourself, supported by telephone
  2. together via remote maintenance
  3. have it carried out on site

Contact and information

Fon.: +49 (0)721 20380-123

eBiss 3 Migration packages

  • Package 1: Upgrade with support

    For software developers (WWS, ERP systems) with update experience

    • Complete Installation and Upgrade Guide
    • Up to one hour of telephone support by customer service on agreed date
    • Package price will be deducted when upgrading to Upgrade Package 2

    Fixed price: 300 €

  • Package 2: Remote-Installation

    Ideal for systems with max. 2 knots

    • On a mutually agreed date
    • Installation including all backups in one Teamviewer session
    • Introduction to the new features of eBiss 3 (Remote-Workshop up to 0,5 day (s))
    • System delivery and subsequent remote support
    • Time budget of 2 days in total

    Fixed price: 1.950 €

  • Package 3: On-site installation

    For complex multi-node systems

    • Installation including all data backups on site on your server
    • Training on the new features of eBiss 3 (0.5 day (s) for up to four participants)
    • System handover including tests (max. 0.5 day (s)
    • On-site and subsequent remote support with a total time budget of 3 days

    Fixed price: 2.800 €
    plus travel expenses (280 €/day)

open flyer

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Das neue Schulungskonzept von 2016 geht auf

Wir haben auf das Feedback gehört: Höherer Praxisbezug für Anwender und/oder Administratoren. Die Umstrukturierung unserer ediCERT-Veranstaltungen im Jahre 2016 sorgte für eine grundlegende Überarbeitung und verschob den Fokus der Schulung auf deutlich mehr Übungen am System. Ebenso fand die neue eBiss 3 Version Einzug in die Schulungen.

Wir bedanken uns an dieser Stelle bei allen bisherigen Teilnehmer für das ehrliche Résumé . Mit dem Ziel, die Schulungen stets zu verbessern und durch Ihr Feedback zu lernen, freuen wir uns schon jetzt auf ein spannendes Schulungsjahr 2018!

eBiss 3 is the pioneering new version of eBiss, a proven, 100-fold EDI converter.

A revised interface and, above all, “under the hood” a wealth of improvements: eBiss 3 is more than ever your software for EDI, data conversion, B2B integration and data exchange.

The eBiss3 interface was developed primarily with a focus on ease of use and uses a much more modern and uniform surface and operating concept.

eBiss 3 contains new features and improvements compared to its predecessor. Many of them greatly simplify the use of eBiss (for example, a detailed undo function), others are features that you have not previously seen in eBiss 2.

Migrate to eBiss 3! In its new version, eBiss is faster, more intuitive, more stable and more versatile. Numerous small and large improvements make working with eBiss easier for Users and Administrators.

eBiss 3 migration packages make migration even easier.

Pranke Elektronische Rechnung

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Automatische Digitalisierung im Rechnungswesen: Der Karlsruher EDI-Dienstleister Pranke validiert EDIFACT-Rechnungen passend für die ZUGFeRD-Vorgaben und stellt die PDF-Dokumente zur Langzeitarchivierung ein.

Langzeitarchivierung elektronischer Rechnungen

Am effizientesten ist die elektronische Rechnung, wenn sie eine EDI-Struktur aufweist. Damit ist die unterbrechungsfreie und automatische Weiterverarbeitung zwischen Sender und Empfänger gewährleistet. Unternehmen, die Rechnungen im digitalen EDIFACT-Format (INVOIC) von Anwendung zu Anwendung versenden, nutzen den Service eGate „Pranke Elektronische Rechnung“. Das Dokument ist zeitgleich mit den Pflichtfeldern des ZUGFeRD-Formats evaluiert und steht im PDF/A3-Format sofort für die Langzeitarchivierung zur Verfügung.

Pranke Online-Archiv Elektronische Rechnung

Bei der elektronischen Rechnung ist Archivierung ein Muss. Die Pranke GmbH bietet hier ein Online-Archiv an. Alle Komplettdateien (ZUGFeRD-XML, Original-INVOIC und Indexdaten) werden regelmäßig aus dem „Pranke-Postfach“ abgeholt und in das Online-Archiv übertragen. Autorisierte Nutzer haben hier jederzeit Zugriff.

Pranke Elektronische Rechnung

Digitalisierung im Rechnungswesen Visualisierung (Beispiel)

Automatische Digitalisierung im Rechnungswesen: Pranke Elektronische Rechnung Beispiel der Visualisiserung

Since version 3 of eBiss 3.0.134, data can be retrieved from or sent to a WebDAV server.

The license-managed eBiss module contains both a WebDAV receive channel and a WebDAV transmit channel. You can use these channels to connect a directory using the WebDAV protocol.

eBiss.WebDAV uses PROPFIND and GET requests to retrieve files from the directory that was previously entered as a URL in the WebDAV receiver channel and then put them into the stored message basket.

In the opposite direction, eBiss.WebDAV transmits messages from a message basket via the WebDAV send channel to a directory in a stored URL.

Would you like more information about our WebDAV module? We are happy to advise you.

AS2-CertificatesThe new AS2 certificates are available for download: This is only relevant for operators of AS2 servers who wish to communicate with the Pranke AS2 server (and therefore with Pranke eGate users). eGate customers do not need to download or change anything. These certificates are valid until 31st January 2019.

Update February 2015: Important information for users of Pranke’s EDI software ediBOX and eBiss: The latest update of the Kaspersky software „Anti-Virus“ / „Internet Security“ now leads to inbound (EDI) messages apparently being scanned differently.

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