
Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.

Im Rundruf des “DV-Dialog” auf die Frage:

Worauf muss der IT-Chef eines mittelständischen Unternehmens achten, damit der Einsatz von EDI- und Portal-Lösungen den Austausch und das Management von Geschäftsdokumenten nicht umständlicher und komplizierter macht, sondern nachhaltig effizienter gestaltet?

wird die Antwort des Senior Developer Christian Radowski, Pranke, zitiert:

Der wichtigste Punkt ist, dass die zu Grunde liegenden Geschäftsprozesse sauber definiert sind. EDI-Lösungen funktionieren dann am besten, wenn sie einen bereits klar strukturierten Prozess abbilden und automatisieren. Die eigentliche Leistung hier ist dann, für Interventionsfreiheit zu sorgen und manuelle Fehler zu vermeiden, sowie zwischen verschiedenen Kommunikationswegen, Systemen und Standards zu vermitteln.

Sind die Prozesse und deren Zielsetzung nicht klar definiert und strukturiert, führt dies zu unsauberen Systemen, welche dutzende von Sonderfällen beherbergen, die behandelt werden müssen – hier entsteht der vermeintliche Mehraufwand und die Komplexität.

DV-Dialog, 11-12/2017, S. 11
Medienhaus Verlag GmbH, Bergisch-Gladbach

The ERP profile, as the common EDI profile of Pranke’s partners – both Retail Management Systems and ERP Systems, is available for download in both English and German.

EDIFACT-Specifications for Retail Management-, and ERP Systems.


ERP profile

Beginning with version 2.0 of the ERP EDI profile, several hundred actual and several thousands of potential installations can be reached, both on retail and supplier side. By this it has an equal importance as the profiles of the big cooperations or retail chains.

This profile can be used free of charge by enterprises in retail and production industry. The detailed conditions can be found in the Copyright / Contact document (Chapter IV, Appendix).

The use of the profile is open to new partners at any time.



With an AS2 channel your local system or network is connected to the Pranke eGate VAN. To end up with a successful and failure-free message exchange, the rules listed here should be followed during setup and operation.


Participants in eGate are bound to fixed communication channels. Because of this, and to ensure clear message routing, parallel connections between servers or networks should not be set up. Therefore, please check if there is already a connection to the Pranke AS2 service on your system. Please look for connections to one of the following URLs (http/https):

  • (

Please also watch out for AS2 IDs like:

  • “Pranke”,
  • “PrankeTest”,
  • “PrankeAS2” or
  • “PrankeAS2Test”,

If a connection to the Pranke AS2 service already exists, this connection should also be used for communication with any other eGate participant instead of setting up a new connection.

If no existing connection could be found, and a new channel needs to be set up, please use the parameters from the current datasheet and the provided certificate. Before you start setting up the endpoint on your server, please contact us (support(at) and provide the necessary data for setting up the endpoint on our system:

  • the URL of your AS2 service,
  • your AS2 ID,
  • the preferred MDN mode (synchronous/asynchronous),
  • Signature and encryption algorithm,
  • your certificate, and
  • a contact address for administrative notifications (operational failures, certificate replacement, etc.)

We identify the sender and recipient of a message submitted via AS2 by evaluation of the interchange segment of the respective message. (e.g. EDIFACT UNB or ANSI.x12 ISA). Only IDs that have been previously made known to us and that have been created in eGate as participants may be used. If an ID is replaced or an additional ID needs to be introduced, please contact us to arrange the necessary configuration.

In case of planned service interruptions, changes in communication, certificate renewal and corresponding occasions please inform support(at)



In this download you will find our data sheet for new AS2 connections and the current certificate:

Download “” – 344.29 KB


See also

How to Communicate with a Pranke Egate Customer

IT terms
Cross Docking Procedure in which goods pre-picked for a final destination in a distribution warehouse are only redistributed at package level.
CRP program The Cyclic Replenishment Program is a procedure for the regular replenishment of articles.
EAN The international (formerly European) article number is an internationally unique article identification.
EANCOM A subset of EDIFACT, carried by EAN.UCC, specifically for retail and consumer goods.
EAN International The umbrella organisation for the allocation of article and company identifications looks after various standards, including EANCOM.
EAN.UCC The umbrella organization of EAN International and UCC.
EDI Electronic Data Interchange is a generic term for the structured exchange of data between applications.
EDIFACT Electronic Data Interchange For Administration, Commerce and Transport is an internationally standardized basic standard of EDI, supported by UN and ISO.
GLN The Global Location Number is an internationally unique identification of a company and is assigned by the EAN.UCC.
GTIN The Global Trade Item Number is the successor of the EAN and UPC.
Material EDI The profile of the DTB for data exchange between producer and supplier.
NCTS The New Computerized Transit System is a computerized transit system in Europe in connection with customs.
PLV The passive contract processing.
SSCC The Serial Shipping Container Code is an EAN package identifier.
Subset A subrange of a standard, e.g. EANCOM from EDIFACT.
UPC The Universal Product Code is an equivalent of the EAN in the USA.
VAN The Value added network is a value-added service, i.e. networks with additional services to the pure connection.
WWS profile EANCOM application profile for lifestyle retail
XML/EDI Electronic Data Interchange using eXtensible Markup Language describes electronic data interchange using XML or approaches such as ebXML, Bizztalk, but not yet a standard.
ediCERT® eXpertise

When you wish to contract us for an  eXtended EDI service, we will assess your needs in a workshop, to define and optimize your EDI processes. Based on the assessment we will define a tailor-made service, which covers exactly what is necessary in the daily business and ensures continuous development. This can go so far as to referring your customers directly to our hotline and us becoming your EDI department. Necessary processes, changes, new data entry of EDI customers, etc. are completely controlled by Pranke, even all the way into your ERP, shall you so desire. For all questions that are beyond the standard procedures we will also define customized interfaces, so that you can decide how to proceed.

Your gain: A failsafe EDI department with know-how first hand at a fair price. The construction of an internal department with personnel and training costs is eliminated, and you have the flexibility to add or subtract services as needed!

Please note the following when sending messages via eGate.


  • Encrypted transmission:
    • Send via TLS (SMTP): Port 25 or Port 8025
    • Receive via TLS (POP3): Port 995
  • Unencrypted transmission:
    • Send (SMTP): Port 25 or Port 8025
    • Receive (POP3): Port 110 or Port 8110

If you want to make sure that the communication with eGate works over the selected ports, please proceed as follows:

  • By establishing a Telnet connection (via a terminal cmd.exe) you can determine whether the eGate service is accessible from the internal network.
  • telnet request via port 25 (SMTP)
    • Request: telnet 25
    • Response: 220 egate4 ESMTP-Server
    • The connection could be successfully established via the above port (25) if the server returns the response listed above.
  • Alternative telnet request via port 110 (POP)
    • Request: telnet 110
    • Response: +OK eGate-POP Server (IV) at READY
    • The connection could be successfully established via the above port (110) if the server returns the response listed above.
  • If you receive a negative response, please check the rules in your firewall.
Pranke Elektronische Rechnung

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Ein “einheitliches Rechnungsdatenformat für den elektronischen Rechnungsaustausch”, das in einer PDF/A3-Datei eingebettet die menschenlesbare Rechnung und den dazugehörigen maschinen-lesbaren Datensatz vereint. Das jedoch setzt voraus, dass der Rechnungssender ZUGFeRD-PDFs erstellen kann bzw. der Empfänger diese verarbeiten kann. Es ist gedacht für alle Anwendungsbereiche oder Branchen, in denen EDI nicht etabliert ist, z.B. Verwaltung oder Kleinstbetriebe.

In der Konsumgüter-Branche ist der Standard für den Austausch von strukturierten = maschinen-lesbaren Daten ist seit langem schon EDIFACT, das quasi von jedem “EDI-fähigen” Handelspartner gesendet bzw. empfangen und verarbeitet werden kann.

Pranke bietet die Technologie, um ZUGFeRD in EDIFACT zu konvertieren und/oder umgekehrt aus EDIFACT-Daten das ZUGFeRD-Format zu erstellen, um alle Handelspartner zu bedienen. So ergänzt ZUGFeRD den bewährten EDI-Austausch für die Elektronische Rechnung.


Read more


In all UN/EDIFACT Interchanges (UNA:+.? ‘) defines the separators as the first Advise segment of the message. The colon (:) becomes the Component Separator, the plus sign (+) becomes the Separator element, the dot (.) becomes the decimal separator, the question mark (?) becomes the Release Indicator, the space sign (invisible white space) remains a space, and the apostrophe () is the Terminator segment.

In the EDIFACT subset EANCOM, four special characters (extracted from UNOA) have a special meaning and serve as default separators for EANCOM:

  • Apostroph = Segment Separator
  • Plus sign + = separator between segment identifiers and data elements contained therein.
  • Colon : = Separator within a data element group.
  • Question mark ? = Release character; if the question mark is immediately before one of the service characters, this character regains its normal meaning. For example, 10?+10=20 means 10+10=20. A question mark is represented by ??

If the trading partners agree on the use of the character sets B to F (inclusive) and the standard separators, the UNA segment must be used to explicitly indicate the use of the standard separators.

Further information on the UNA segment can be found at

UNA, Service String advice

Function: To define the characters selected for use as delimiters and indicators in the rest of the interchange that follows:
The specifications in the Service string advice take precedence over the specifications for delimiters etc. in segment UNB. See clause 4.

When transmitted, the Service string advice must appear immediately before the Interchange Header (UNB) segment and begin with the upper
case characters UNA immediately followed by the six characters selected by the sender to indicate, in sequence, the following functions:

Type & LengthCardinality NameRemarks
alpha numeric, 1 mandatoryCOMPONENT DATA ELEMENT SEPARATOR
alpha numeric, 1 mandatoryDATA ELEMENT SEPARATOR
alpha numeric, 1 mandatoryDECIMAL NOTATIONComma or full stop
alpha numeric, 1 mandatoryRELEASE INDICATOR
alpha numeric, 1 mandatory
alpha numeric, 1 mandatorySEGMENT TERMINATOR



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eGate ist ein internetbasierter Transportdienst für EDI-Nachrichten im B2B. Technisch gesehen ist eGate ein in sich geschlossenes System das auf der Basis eines Mailing-Dienst aufsetzt; das Versenden und Empfangen von Nachrichten erfolgt verschlüsselt über SMTPS/ POP3S. Über eGate können nur identifiziert Teilnehmer miteinander kommunizieren. Kommunikationspartner, die andere Kommunikationskanäle nutzen, sind über eGate ebenfalls erreichbar. Die Weboberfläche von eGate erreicht man über Jeder eGate-Account wird durch eine Teilnehmernummer (TNR) identifiziert, die zugleich Teil der eGate-Adresse ist: [TNR]